
目前顯示的是 12月, 2020的文章

中文歌詞翻譯 Bring Me The Horizon - Happy Song(飛越地平線-快樂歌)

【歌曲連結】 YouTube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Stb1zlaOZO8&feature=share Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0zZYvNpoF1jFkRfUcXpNFl?autoplay=true S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit (S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!) Let's hear it ( 讓我們聽聽) S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit ( S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!) Let's hear it ( 讓我們聽聽) Let's go (我們走吧!) I've had enough (我已經受夠了) There's a voice in my head (腦海裡有個聲音) Says I'm better off dead (叫我死一死算了) But if I sing along a little fucking louder (但要是我 跟著唱,唱天殺的大聲點) To a happy song, I'll be alright (大聲唱首快樂歌,就會沒事了) You want to give up (你想放棄了) Gave it all that you've got (已付出一切所有) And it still doesn't cut (但還是不夠格) But if you sing along a little fucking louder (但要是你 跟著唱,唱天殺的大聲點) To a happy song, you'll be just fine, cause (大聲唱首快樂歌,你就會好多 了,因為) Every now and again we get the feeling (我們時不時都會有種感覺) And the great big void inside us opens up (內心開了個空虛的大洞) And I really wish that you could help (我真心希望你能幫上忙) But my head is like a carousel and (但我的腦袋就像旋轉木馬) I'm going