中文歌詞翻譯 Bring Me The Horizon - Happy Song(飛越地平線-快樂歌)

YouTube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Stb1zlaOZO8&feature=share
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0zZYvNpoF1jFkRfUcXpNFl?autoplay=true

S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit (S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it (讓我們聽聽)
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit (S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it (讓我們聽聽)
Let's go (我們走吧!)

I've had enough (我已經受夠了)
There's a voice in my head (腦海裡有個聲音)
Says I'm better off dead (叫我死一死算了)
But if I sing along a little fucking louder (但要是我跟著唱,唱天殺的大聲點)
To a happy song, I'll be alright (大聲唱首快樂歌,就會沒事了)

You want to give up (你想放棄了)
Gave it all that you've got (已付出一切所有)
And it still doesn't cut (但還是不夠格)
But if you sing along a little fucking louder (但要是你跟著唱,唱天殺的大聲點)
To a happy song, you'll be just fine, cause (大聲唱首快樂歌,你就會好多了,因為)
Every now and again we get the feeling (我們時不時都會有種感覺)
And the great big void inside us opens up (內心開了個空虛的大洞)
And I really wish that you could help (我真心希望你能幫上忙)
But my head is like a carousel and (但我的腦袋就像旋轉木馬)
I'm going round in circles, going round in circles (在原地不停打轉,不停打轉)

S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit (S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it (讓我們聽聽)
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit (S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it (讓我們聽聽)
Let's go (我們走吧!)

We are possessed(我們被掌控著)
We're all fucked in the head(腦子爆幹亂成一團)
Alone and depressed(孤獨且壓抑)
But if we sing along a little fucking louder(但如果我們跟著唱,唱天殺的大聲點)
To a happy song(唱首快樂歌)
Maybe we'll forget cause(也許就能忘了這些,因為)
Every now and again we get the feeling (我們時不時都會有種感覺)
And the great big void inside us opens up (內心開了個空虛的大洞)
And I really wish that you could help (我真心希望你能幫上忙)
But my head is like a carousel and (但我的腦袋就像旋轉木馬)
I'm going round in circles, going round in circles (在原地不停打轉,不停打轉)
Don't wake us up(別叫醒我們)
We'd rather just keep dreaming(寧願繼續做夢)
Cause the nightmares in our heads are bad enough(反正腦海裡的惡夢不會比現實糟了)
And I really wish that you could help(而我真心希望你能幫上忙)
But my head is like a carousel(但我的腦袋就像旋轉木馬)
And I'm going round in circles, I'm going round in circles(在原地不停打轉,不停打轉)
The world has coalesced(世界全混在一塊)
Into one giant mess of hate and unrest(成了一團充斥仇恨和動盪的巨大混亂)
So let's sing along a little goddamn louder(所以我們跟著唱吧,唱天殺的大聲點)
To a happy song and pretend it's all okay(唱首快樂歌,然後假裝一切都OK
Let's go (走吧!)

Sing along(跟著唱)
Let's sing along(一起跟著唱)
A little fucking louder(再他媽的大聲一點!)
A little fucking louder(再他媽的大聲一點!)
Well don't you feel so much better(看吧,是不是感覺好多了!)
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit(S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it(讓我們聽聽)
(Well that's the spirit)(就是這種精神!)
S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit(S-P-I-R-I-T, 靈魂!)
Let's hear it(讓我們聽聽)
(Yeah, that's the spirit)(耶,就是這種精神!)
